Schedule of Classes
Healing Practicum with Rev Andrew Light
With guidance and direction from the instructor, this practicum prepares the student to personally and confidently present a spiritual healing service to a church or a private group. Students should come prepared to present a spiritual healing service invocation, benediction, a short healing meditation and a sermonette.
Tue & Thu, 6-8pm
Ethics with Rev. Cindy Hoffman
This class introduces the student to the study of ethics and defines the many meanings of ethics and their importance. The class will consider and explore how ethics pertain to mediumship, to ministry, to spiritual healing, and the practice of metaphysics.
Tue & Thu, 8-10pm
Symbols 1 with Rev. Meg Wolsiffer
A basic foundation in symbology will be presented, including the interpretation of universal, conventional and personal symbols and their guidance in our lives.
Wed & Fri, 6-8pm
Practical Aspects of Mediumship with Rev. Jeremy Kaylor
This is a very thorough class on the considerations, planning, preparation and challenges of doing private readings, clairvoyant circles, psychic fairs, etc. Attention to detail in preparing the environment, responsibility to clients will be explored.
Wed & Fri, 8-10pm
Chakras with Rev. James Hafer
This course will provide students with an understanding of the origination of chakras, their purpose and benefit, their location, function and qualities and how one should work with chakras in their life.
Saturday, 12-5pm