Jan 26 2025

January Online Psychic Fair

Our monthly online Psychic Fair Fundraiser happens one Sunday a month, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Eastern.

We feature a variety of psychic mediums. Each 10 minute reading costs $20.

Upon buying a ticket you will receive a Zoom registration link. **When registering on Zoom, make sure you use the same name that was used to purchase the ticket. The ticket and Zoom registration information must match.**


Resident Mediums

Rev. Cindy Hoffman scheduled 7:00 to 8:00pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyance

About Rev. Cindy

Rev. Cindy is a Lecturer, Teacher, longtime Hospice Volunteer, and a Camp Chesterfield Ordained Minister, as well as a Certified Spiritual Medium and Certified Energetic Space Clearer. Her love and Soul’s desire is committed to the field of Death and Dying, Life Transitions, Bereavement, Cleansing and Blessing.  Cindy Hoffman teaches and offers Spiritual Guidance in Mediumship Sessions to help people heal from grief and understand Life after Death.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Cindy

Rev. Paula Cunningham scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

About Rev. Paula

Rev. Paula is a Camp Chesterfield resident medium and ordained minister.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Paula

Sophia Rasmussen scheduled 8:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyance, Runes, Tarot

About Sophia

Sophia Rasmussen is an active student of Camp Chesterfield, born open and a highly functional psychic. Sophia has pursued Spirit and giving readings for over 25 years, continually develops her gifts to serve and unfold. Actively walking a path enamored with the Runes of the Elder Futhark, embracing a Universalist Asatru Tradition. Serving and connected to All My Relations, located on the Westside of Indianapolis.


Purchase a Reading with Sophia

Guest Mediums

Rev. Debb Halter is scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyance

About Rev. Debb

Rev. Debb Halter is a ordained minister, and works as a medium and healer. She serves as a minister at Camp Chesterfield’s online service. Rev. Debb also serves and teaches spiritualism at a spiritualist church in the Mid West.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Debb

Andrea Weber is scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

Andrea Weber is a Camp Chesterfield certified Medium, with over 30 years of experience connecting with the vibrational resonance (energy) of the higher octaves. Translating their messages and teachings through readings, intensive one on one transformational work and Mediumship development. Andrea’s roots and natural ability are reflected in her extensive trance mediumship work. Through her practice, the Higher Octaves empower humanity to shift the human perspectives by guiding individuals towards self-awareness and the “states of mind” held within. Lighting the path for individuals to break free from past limitations and awaken their consciousness. Wellness, joy, love, prosperity, abundance and peace of mind are “states of minds” available to all. Their mission is to guide dear ones into the flow of these “states of minds” to allow the creator within, to create, your highest and best life’s desires. To truly embrace freedom, harmony, and abundance. 

Purchase a Reading with Andrea

Dick Halloran scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

About Dick Halloran

Dick Halloran has been working with Spirit all his life. He has been guided in his business career and law career. He is now using Spirit to bring guidance and messages to those who seek him as a medium. Dick works as a clairvoyant and as a medium, bringing messages from Spirit and loved ones. Tune in with Spirit through him.

Purchase a Reading with Dick

Lorenda Carr scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

About Lorenda

Lorenda Carr, founder of Spiritual Insight Guidance Network (S.I.G.N.), has strived to continuously strengthen her connection to Spirit adapting her psychic and mediumship abilities to the needs of the moment. She is a Level 1 Practitioner in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) and a certified BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) practitioner; both of which entail healing through past life regression. Utilizing Tarot, numerology, psychic intuition, and evidential mediumship. Lorenda helps others become the best version of themselves and learn the lessons offered in this lifetime as well as connect to loved ones on the other side. Offering Divine inspiration, validation, and guidance, her practice helps clients continue forward motion, growth, and transformational change. Her messages come from a place of light and love and her clients appreciate her positive, gentle, yet direct and honest approach. This encouraging and in-depth method aims to help others recognize their own power and find their path.

Purchase a Reading with Lorenda

Lauren Choate scheduled 7:00-8:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

About Lauren

Lauren Choate, Retired Chief Human Resources Officer, is dedicated to helping others discover their inner wisdom and embrace their true selves. With a background in corporate leadership and a deep spiritual faith, she believes in the power of love and light shared by all the great teachers and masters throughout history. Lauren’s spiritual journey includes trainings, workshops, and experiences from around the world that have shaped her understanding of our eternal souls and the lessons we learn on Earth. She is focused on assisting others in remembering that we are more than mere mortals – we are eternal souls, born with wisdom from ages past and born with more guides, angels and teachers than we can fathom. We are eternal souls here on our dear planet Earth to lean lessons and to embrace our truth as magnificent beings.

She feels it is her greatest honor to assist you on your journey of self-discovery of the wisdom within and to serve as a bridge between our human life and our soul’s truth. As a Reiki master, graduate of I.M, School of Healing Arts, certified Medium, and Psychic from the Dragon Fly Center. She serves as a bridge between our human lives and our souls’ truths”

Purchase a Reading with Lauren

Noemi Santiago scheduled 7:00-8:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

About Noemi

Noemí is a certified medium through Camp Chesterfield. She brings love and enthusiasm to everything she touches. Noemí believes there is no greater joy than assisting others in connecting with Spirit.

Purchase a Reading with Noemi

Rev. Merriam Joan Handy scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Past Life, Clairvoyant

About Rev. Merriam Joan Handy

Rev. Merriam Joan Handy (humorously referred to as Merry-I-AM) is a lifetime Light-Lover / Light-Sharer / Light-Server / Light-Player/ Light-Teacher and Cosmic Life Coach. She is a fully Ordained Minister through Fellowships of the Spirit and their 3-year School of Spiritual Healing and Prophesy in Lilydale, NY, and for decades, has been a teacher of Higher Spiritualism, the Great Ascended Masters, and Cosmic Higher Conscious Beings. Channeled entities refer to her as Lady Master Merriam: A Master Teacher for Evolving Masters.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Merriam

