Chesterfield Spiritualist College Clairvoyant Intensive
Evidential Mediumship
Saturday, September 2 – Monday, September 4, 2023
Join Rev. Charles Klepadlo, Rev. Elizabeth Brown, and Rev. Michael Schlotterbeck for an exploration of Evidential Mediumship. Learn how to incorporate more evidence in your work and prove the continuity of life!
10a-Noon: What is Evidential Mediumship? With Rev. Elizabeth Brown
Evidence is a cornerstone of good mediumship. Rev. Brown will explore the value of evidence and the basics of traditional evidential mediumship.
1p: All Message Service in the Grove
3-5p: Is that actually evidential? With Rev. Charles Klepadlo
As mediums, our goal is to serve our sitter and Spirit by bringing forth enough evidence to prove the continuity of life. In this workshop we will be covering the types of information that actually constitutes good evidence and we will work closely with spirit to obtain it. The information and tools you receive will enhance your own evidential mediumship.
7-9p: Using Symbols for Evidential Mediumship with Rev. Michael Schlotterbeck
Symbols are an invaluable tool for mediumship. This session will focus on how to incorporate symbols in evidence work and build a personal symbol dictionary.
10a-Noon: Meet and Greet with Spirit to Obtain Evidence with Rev. Elizabeth
Meet with spirit in preparation for upcoming readings, circles and platform mediumship or just an everyday practice to see and greet those on the other side. Getting used to talking with them and introducing yourself to them.
4-6p: Your Body as a Channel for Evidence with Rev. Michael
Spirit can use your physical body to convey a variety of information and evidence. This session will focus on how you can use your body as tool for communication with spirit.
7:30p: Student Practice
10a-Noon: Putting it All in Practice with Rev. Michael
Spend the morning putting what you’ve learned in practice with Rev. Michael Schlotterbeck.
12p: Labor Day Picnic
Cost: $205
Attendees who complete the entire weekend will receive 2 Elective Credits from Chesterfield Spiritualist College.
Lodging and meals not included in the event fee.