Oct 27 2024

Online Psychic Fair

Our monthly online Psychic Fair Fundraiser happens one Sunday a month, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Eastern.

We feature a variety of psychic mediums. Each 10 minute reading costs $20.

Upon buying a ticket you will receive a Zoom registration link. When registering on Zoom, make sure you use the same name that was used to purchase the ticket. The ticket and Zoom registration information must match.


Resident Mediums

Rev. Charles Klepadlo is scheduled 7-8 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyance

Rev. Charles Klepadlo is a certified medium and Spiritualist Minister. Charles has publicly practiced mediumship for over 18 years and in April of 2007 became a certified Spiritualist Medium through the Indiana Association of Spiritualists. Charles also uses his gifts to serve many churches and organizations throughout the Midwest. He continues to work with his spiritual gifts by doing public demonstrations of Mediumship, Trance, Lectures and teaching classes. He is a strong advocate for Spirit and the Religion of Spiritualism.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Charles 

Rev. Paula Cunningham is scheduled 7-9 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyance

Rev. Paula Cunningham is a Camp Chesterfield resident medium and ordained minister.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Paula 

Rev. Cindy Hoffman is scheduled 7-8 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyance

Rev. Cindy is a Lecturer, Teacher, longtime Hospice Volunteer, and a Camp Chesterfield Ordained Minister, as well as a Certified Spiritual Medium and Certified Energetic Space Clearer. Her love and Soul’s desire is committed to the field of Death and Dying, Life Transitions, Bereavement, Cleansing and Blessing.  Cindy Hoffman teaches and offers Spiritual Guidance in Mediumship Sessions to help people heal from grief and understand Life after Death.

Purchase a Reading with Rev. Cindy 

Guest Mediums

Rev. Merriam Joan Handy is scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Past Life “quick look back”

Rev. Merriam Joan Handy (humorously referred to as Merry-I-AM) is a lifetime Light-Lover / Light-Sharer / Light-Server / Light-Player/ Light-Teacher and Cosmic Life Coach. She is a fully Ordained Minister through Fellowships of the Spirit and their 3-year School of Spiritual Healing and Prophesy in Lilydale, NY,  and for decades, has been a teacher of Higher Spiritualism, the Great Ascended Masters, and Cosmic Higher Conscious Beings. Channeled entities refer to her as Lady Master Merriam: A Master Teacher for Evolving Masters.

Purchase a Reading with Rev Merriam

Floyd “Uncle Buck” Friezell is scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

I have spent my life working with people and developed a deep understanding. From a young age I have been aware of being an empath. As I got older, I was able to learn more and use the gift in positive ways. Later I began to understand my natural ability of clairsentients. I am currently continuing my education, and working with mentors, with my healing and mediumship at Camp Chesterfield. As I become aware of my abilities, the desire to help people has continued to grow even stronger. I feel blessed to be able to share my abilities with others through tarot cards, oracle cards, pendulum, healing energy, and mediumship. I believe helping others is the most beautiful gift we can give to our follow human souls.

Purchase a Reading with Floyd

Rev. Dr. AdaRA Walton is scheduled 7:00-8:30 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Psychic/Intuitive

Reverend Dr. Adara Walton is an ordained Reverend, Doctor of Naturopathy, Bio-Energy Kinesiologist, Medium, certified Attractor Field Technique Practitioner, certified TTT Practitioner, Reiki/Amanohuna master –Teacher, and Shaman with over 45 yrs. experience in the Energy Medicine/healing field. She received professional mediumship training at the Burning Bush Spiritualist Temple in MD, in England at the Arthur Findlay College, at de Zwanenhof in the Netherlands and from Camp Chesterfield in Indiana. She is also a member of The Indiana Association Of Spiritualists, Inc.

She also has a PhD in Natural Health and is certified as an “Energy Healer for Animals.” She is a former certified Quantum-Touch instructor. Educating clients in self-healing is the foundation of her practice as the body unlocks its truth. Rev. Walton is the author of Every Body’s Truth: Muscle Testing for the Masses.

Rev. Dr. Walton’s website is: www.spritismylife.com. and her affordable practice is open to adults and children located in Albuquerque (ABQ), NM.

You can also reach Rev. AdaRA at her Email: revadara@spiritismyife.com

Purchase a Reading with Rev. AdaRA

Andrea Weber is scheduled 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

Andrea Weber is a Camp Chesterfield certified Medium, with over 30 years of experience connecting with the vibrational resonance (energy) of the higher octaves. Translating their messages and teachings through readings, intensive one on one transformational work and Mediumship development. Andrea’s roots and natural ability are reflected in her extensive trance mediumship work. Through her practice, the Higher Octaves empower humanity to shift the human perspectives by guiding individuals towards self-awareness and the “states of mind” held within. Lighting the path for individuals to break free from past limitations and awaken their consciousness. Wellness, joy, love, prosperity, abundance and peace of mind are “states of minds” available to all. Their mission is to guide dear ones into the flow of these “states of minds” to allow the creator within, to create, your highest and best life’s desires. To truly embrace freedom, harmony, and abundance. 

Purchase a Reading with Andrea

Gabe Sereni is scheduled 7:00-8:00 pm Eastern

Readings Offered: Clairvoyant

Gabriel Sereni is a certified medium, trance medium healer, life coach and teacher. He has experienced numerous transformative and psychic experiences since a young age including astral projection, clairvoyance, and more. He now holds multiple certificates and has trained in evidential mediumship, life purpose mediumship readings, remote viewing and mediumship, and more. He has over 20 years of experience leading workshops and courses worldwide in the transformation space, and has taught thousands of students on topics such as personal and spiritual growth, science and spirituality, energy and chakras, lucid dreaming/astral projection, intuitive development, the history of spiritual experiences, and more. He has served in numerous leadership positions for organizations promoting scientific research into altered states of consciousness, healing, and spiritual and psychic phenomena.

Purchase a Reading with Gabe

