A Spiritual Center of Light
Camp Chesterfield

Camp Chesterfield...
When It’s Time to Change Your Life!

Camp Chesterfield...
When It’s Time to Change Your Life!

Garden of Prayer
Unique to the state of Indiana, the "Garden of Prayer is a prime architectural example of a European-style grotto that was established as a site for spiritual meditation.

Western Hotel
Built in 1945, this hotel was designed after the "roadside inns" of the era. Quipped with a period lobby and art-deco check-in counter, it has two floors. This hotel boasts being the first fire-proof building in the state of Indiana.

Trail of Religion
At the center of grounds is a memorial called the "Trail of Religion." Dedicated in 1943 to the world's great religious leaders. The display features the limestone busts of Lao-Tse, Buddha, Confucius, Varhammana, Osiris, Zoroaster, Abraham, Mohammed, Zeus and Jesus, the Christ

The labyrinth at Camp Chesterfield is open to the public. Walking the labyrinth can release patterned behavior, thoughts, and feelings. As you release old, patterned energy, the alignment of your body may shift or straighten into a greater spiritual alignment.

Cathedral of the Woods
The Cathedral now stands where the "Old Auditorium" used to stand. It was originally a large tent. The Cathedral, with its beautiful stain glass windows was dedicated in 1954 and has been used as a venue for large gatherings.

American Indian Memorial
Located on "Inspiration Hill," the statue features a life-sized figure of an American Indian atop an eight-foot pedestal, palms upturned, face looking toward the source of all light and life. Erected in 1940, the Native American statue is a tribute to the deep connection Spiritualism has with the Native American people.
We Gave Them Something to Talk About!
Check out these testimonials…Not a single one was solicited. In each case, the person was simply inspired to share their experience of Camp Chesterfield.

You’re going to love it here…
"It's such a beautiful and peaceful place. I love everything about it. It really is a magical place. I was there at night alone setting up for an event and I could clearly hear someone walking around me; very close; but no one was actually there, and I was not afraid at all. It really is a place you suspect to see fairy and elves dancing in the woods."

"I love being here. It's so peaceful and quiet. I love the gift shop. I have bought 59 crystals from the gift shop. I also but incense and sage."

"This place is a home away from home I'm walking in the same footsteps that my great grandparents walked in the early 1920s it's a great and wonderful place race to embrace any form of spiritualism."

"This place exceeded my expectations...!! I thoroughly enjoyed my experience, as I'm experiencing more enlightening on my path to old age...!!"

"If you are looking for a place to center yourself, or even just a beautiful peaceful place, search no more. There is an Incredible book store here as well…”
The Beautiful Pathways
Toad Stools
Trail of Religion
News & Article
Totem Pole from Top to Base
EAGLE WHO DISCOVERED SALMON The Totem pole illustrates the legend of how Salmon came to the Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. Chief Garl Gum Ga Su had a little daughter named Yeda. Soon after...
How to Walk A Labyrinth
A Personal Journey Toward Self-Reflection and Contemplation The labyrinth at Camp Chesterfield is located on the former...
It’s A Mystery
Surprise your loved ones with these mystery boxes by Camp Chesterfield. These boxes may contain stones, incense,...